Tuesday, June 27, 2017

2017 Tournament at Vineyards

Greetings Everyone,

We all know it was a warm day for tennis. A big thanks to all those women who powered through the heat of the day to play the final games in the hottest portion of the tournament.  I hope everyone has recovered from the heat and after thinking it over, you feel like you had a good time. I know I did!  We saw and played some good tennis.   The final score was Vineyards 101 and Trilogy RV 79. Our next tournament with the Vineyards is at our home courts on September 9th.  That gives us plenty of time to sharpen our skills and be ready for a rematch.  Many thanks to all the players and guests who attended the tournament. Hope to see you all at our rematch either as a player or fan.


Photos by Carmen Wong

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Team Tennis 6/17/2017

Tennis Fans,

Before I get to the final results of this session of team tennis I will list the team name and the members of that team.  
Giants: Al B., Peter E., Jane, Al M., Soc and Nancy. 
A's: Jackie, Len, Joe, Patti, Frank and Ken Y.
Niners: Orlando, Lupita, Moritz, Michael, Sandy and Claude.
Raiders: Bob, Dave, Don, Carmen, Jim and Tammy.

Again the tennis was hot and furious this week. We had three matches go to three sets. Peter Evans holds the record for the most weeks in a row to go to three sets (3 weeks).  So if you play in a match with Peter, pack a lunch -- it may take all day! Two matches went over two and a half hours: Leo & Steve vs Joe & Len won by Joe & Len (2 sets to 1) and Orlando & Yoko vs Jim & Tammy won by Jim & Tammy (2 sets to 1).  All eight are recovering from heat exhaustion at the Antioch Kaiser Hospital and can be visited at ... Just kidding, they all were drained after the matches but left with smiles on their faces.

Oh yes -- the results for today's matches and the final standings.  The Giants last week had 175 and added 42 for a total of 217. The Raiders last week had 176 and added 96 for a total of 272. The A's last week had 204 and added 102 for a total of 306.  The Niners last week had 223 and added 62 for a total of 285.  Now that I have you confused here are the final standings:

1. A's total 306
2. Niners total 285
3. Raiders total 272
4. Giants total 217

The victory parade for the A's will be on July 4th (it may look like the normal 4th of July parade but we in the tennis club will know the true meaning of the parade ;-) )  The awards for the champs will be presented at the June tennis meeting on the 30th.

Thanks to everyone who played Team Tennis this session.  I am deeply grateful to all those players I called on to sub each and every Saturday. 

The Commish

Commish with Granddaughters 

From those of us who participated, 
Thank You Commish. 

No action shots from Patti - too hot

The Commish wasn't kidding.  Bob was revived before the ambulance could be called.  Coming along fine.

Frank asked that I use the age filter. I would like to know if the filter is working.  How old does he look in these photos?

Jackie's cool

Peter and Carol are cool. Don't know about the furry one.

Photos by Dave

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Team Tennis 6/10/2017

Late additions from Zeny

The Commish in all his competitive wisdom scheduled a first in Team Tennis.

A Mixed Doubles Match - Gender vs Gender 

There was some confusion on Game Point.

Wow, the matchups today were really close.  Six matches were played and four of the six matches had to play three sets to determine the winner of the match.  We also had a change in the standings.  Now in first place with 223 points are the Niners (last week 3rd place).  Second place we have the A's with 204 points (last week 1st place).  With a narrow lead for third place we have the Raiders with 176 points (last week 2nd place).  With only one game separating third and fourth place we have the Giants with 175 points (last week 4th place).  As you can see that every team is still in the running and next week (6/17) our last week of this session. The winner could be the Giants, or the Raiders, or the A's, or the Niners.  Hope to see you out there next Saturday for the last week.


The Commish

Photos by Dave