Our second Tennis & Eats
Hello Tennis Club Members,
We had another successful Tennis & Eats outing Saturday afternoon and evening. Seventeen
hardy souls played tennis in a brisk breeze with temps in the low 70’s. For people in California
that’s like playing tennis in Alaska with a chill factor of -20 degrees! Once we got the ice and
snow removed from the courts. Oh no wait, I think we just had to start with old tennis balls. All I
know it was a tough beginning. Zeny came to the rescue and delivered four cans of new tennis
balls (life was good)! The tennis play went from 4:30 to 6PM. Our big winners for the evening
were Laurie Redfield and Carmen Wong for the ladies, and Ed Chow and Al Morrison for the
guys. The four of them took home lavish gifts provided by Yupayong. Thanks, Yupayong.
At 6PM we all wandered over to the bocce picnic area and were joined by other tennis club
members and guests to socialize, have a drink or two and prepare for the feast to come. At
6:30 we grabbed our plates and headed for the food. Our main course of pulled pork was
prepared by Jackie Banga, Jane Kriete, Yupayong Thirakomen, and Cindy Kienzle. Thanks for
a great job. We also had tons of salads, side dishes and desserts to round out the meal. All
told, thirty-five of us sat down to a great meal and some lively chatter.
Thanks to Bill Wong and Carmen Wong for taking photos of the event. Thanks to Claude for
obtaining the tables from the HOA that we used for the food. Also thanks to all for helping with
the clean up after the event.
Hope to see you all at our next scheduled event on November 7th. I know Joe Downes has a
great tournament planned for us.
Bill Kienzle
There are two components to this event - tennis play and eating. Our photographer was busy playing during the tennis competition and was unable to take photos, so we are showing tennis photos she took the day before.
Back to the event
Our Winners
Time for Dessert
Happy after another successful event!
Photos by Carmen Wong