Sunday, December 9, 2018

2018 Holiday Party

 Courtjester Annual Holiday Party featured:
  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Awards
  • Gifts
  • Dancing
Eating requires food and it was plentiful and delicious

Large turnout

Drinking was optional - BYOB

Time for the long awaited Team Tennis Awards

No trophy this time - TastyCakes for the winners

Patty is thrilled!

Jimmy is always ready for TastyCakes

Not sure but Ken may be returning his
Lupita had some kind words to share as this will be her last Holiday Party. She is moving to join her kids. She will be missed.
Presents aplenty
Time to dance

Madam President cutting the rug

Your webmaster & spouse had a great time
Photos by Zeny Devera and Ken Yoshi